MART promotes appropriate educational programming and services by providing professional development and collaborative opportunities.
Amanda Asham, President
Michael Baker, MTS PD Day Chairperson
Sabrina Melanson, Vice President
Vacant, Secretary
Susan LaSpina, Treasurer
Michael Baker, PD Chairperson
To promote active provincial leadership and improve inclusive education in the province of Manitoba.
To collaborate with MTS to make recommendations to the provincial government, the universities and school divisions/districts, to bring about changes deemed necessary for the improvement of inclusive education and training of resource teachers in Manitoba.
To provide the means for exchanging ideas, techniques, and knowledge, and for monitoring trends and developments relevant to the resource teacher role and responsibilities.
To encourage the professional development of its members through training workshops, MTS PD Day conference, and an annual conference with AGM.
To publish a newsletter or journal to provide ongoing communication with its members.
To encourage the formation of affiliated local chapters within the province.
To establish contact with other provincial/national organizations.
To promote communication, interactions and cooperation amongst its members.